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Hi and welcome to our blog. We are Tony and Ness and this is our blog about anything we fancy writing about, which mainly consists of  Self-building, Motival pieces, importing, affiliation and more…

Tony and Ness – Building The Dream

Tony and Ness – Building The Dream

  Tony and Ness - Life after Building the Dream!! What happened next?? Did we move in?? Did Charlie quit architecture?       Life on from "Building the Dream" has still been full of up's and downs. More tears, excitement, pain and so so much joy!!...

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Paragraph 55 House

Paragraph 55 House

Paragraph 55 House - Let me explain how it is possible to get permission in the countryside   Paragraph 55 House - Have you heard about this clause? Are you trying to gain planning permission outside the building boundary? Therefore, let me explain to...

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Affiliation Meaning

Affiliation Meaning

Affiliation Meaning With the internet booming and growing at an alarming rate, people are forever searching for ways to make a quick buck. Affiliate marketing, Affiliation - Are words that you may have heard, but what is the Meaning of Affiliation?  ...

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Robots Taking Our Jobs

Robots Taking Our Jobs

Robots Taking Our Jobs - Is your Job Safe? Brace yourselves for a new generation entering the workforce. This time around we are not talking about the humankind. This generation doesn’t eat, sleep or participate in office banter, we’re talking about...

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Gratitude, that little word….. whats it all about? huh? It’s a funny thing gratitude and something I hear a lot from people is “it is easy to be grateful…..when…..I get the money or my life is easier…etc.” People have the assumption that only rich or...

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Follow Your Path – Your Passion

Follow Your Path – Your Passion

Today, we have mixed feelings. A very good friend of ours has decided to leave our SFM family On one hand, we feel extremely sad that Derek is leaving us. Over our time in the SFM we have grown strong friendships with people and Derek is truly one of these...

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The 2 P’s

The 2 P’s

Life can seem pretty complicated at times and we are always trying to be the best we can and learn as much as we can. Learning about yourself is always always going to be valuable. Generally, we are the only ones holding ourselves back. Are you guilty of...

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The Power of Speech!

The Power of Speech!

Think of your brain as a computer, If you do not give it the correct command or don’t put the right code in, it does not work. The same can be said for your brain and speech. What you say aloud is almost like mini messages you give to your subconscious,...

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