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A snapshot of our journey with Import Xperts…..

Part of the SFM’s training is learning step by step how to import and resell your products on various platforms. Especially eBay, Amazon and how to open your own Shopify store. We caught up with the team to shoot a quick video. Feeling very grateful for the life (although very hectic) we are now living.
When Tony had his accident in 2014, we started an eBay shop. Knowing we did not want a traditional job, or to go down the traditional route, we assumed this was the answer for us. With no training and not really having a clue what we were doing, we researched online and kind of stumbled our way blindly through. Once the SFM announced their Import Xperts training, we jumped at the chance. Within a short time frame, we applied our newly learnt skills to our eBay shop. Doubling sales 🙂 Where will be in a few months time?

Our amazing trip to China with Import Xperts…..

Ironically, we had just started going through our Import Xperts training and John sent an email arranging a trip to Yiwu in China. This was a guided trip with our own agent’s sourcing products and learning the process. Sat in the hot tub of our mobile homes, with the self-build about to start in a few months, we knew we had to go. So in January 2018, we set off for Yiwu. Stuart explains our trip….
Thank You for reading.... we are 
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