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We are Tony and Ness and welcome to our seld build blog. We are building in the beautiful Norfolk countryside, close to Thetford Forrest.  If we can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us
In our blog, we want to share all of the experiences we have been through since self-building. There are lots of up’s and certainly a lot of downs. I am sure it will all be worth it 🙂

As part of our journey, we feel passionate about helping people overcome the hurdles of self-building. We also decided to appear on building the dream, currently aired on More 4. 13th May 2020. It is episode 9 and series 9. 

Our goal with this site is to help others through the whole process of self-build, with us giving as much value to you as we can. It can be pretty daunting at times. When we first thought of trying for planning we were told by pretty much everybody that we were wasting our time, as our plot was outside the boundary of our village for building consent, and we would have no chance. Luckily for us, we don’t listen to negative people, we never have!

The way we see it…..

If you tell yourself you can – You’re right
If you tell yourself you can’t – Your are right!
You are what you believe!

The easiest way to follow our Build Journey is through Instagram. Follow our build as we are progressing

Our original planning CGI’s (computer generated images) we had made for planning. We always look at these pictures to give us inspiration and keep us moving forward. We have changed the design slightly. The garage is now an office, gym and snug. We added an extra window at the back too, which eventually changed into a door. The amazing thing about our design is that the house has grown and adapted as we have. We gained planning in 2013, we went from a family of 4 to 5, got extra animals and changed career paths a few times. The house evolved as we did which is a huge testament to our architect Ian Hunter.
This CGI (computer generated image) is of our house design, actually sitting in our plot. Our build is a contemporary ECO house. We love the design with the green roof, flint tower, zinc, render and cedar cladding. Originally when our house was designed, it was a “Code of Sustainable Homes” level 6. That is the highest code possible and basically means that it is a zero carbon house. So it produces more than it consumes. With features, such as an air source heat pump, green roof to encourage wildlife, mechanical ventilation heat recovery, borehole, solar panels and triple glazed windows… this super insulated house should provide us with an amazing space, warm and dry with very few bills and very little impact on the environment.
Our plot before we started back in 2016

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Tony and Ness – Building The Dream

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Legal Disclaimer (Its always best said than not) Whilst our blog is here to help and guide you, individual results will vary. No results can be guaranteed. We may earn commissions from products and services that we may recommend. Our blog is our own experiences and all views expressed are solely ours - Tony and Ness hales. We are not telling you what you should do, or say this will work for you, we are just sharing our experiences. Please read our full disclaimer